How did the Atonement help Mary?
How does the cross make a road to heaven?
What needs does the cross meet?
What does the atonement do for our sins?
It is Finished Part 2
Please join us today as Bart Crawford continues our series on the atonement. He will be speaking from Hebrews Chapter 10.
What can you add to a carpenters perfect work?
What is the real problem the cross fixes?
Please join us today as Pastor Smith continues his series on Who Was Jesus? Today is the fifth part on the topic, the cross heals us. Please turn to Matthew 27:46.
What does it mean to never be forsaken?
What does it mean to never be forsaken? Please listen as Pastor Casey Smith continues his series on the cross.
The Baptism of Jesus
Welcome to First Baptist Church. Please enjoy our series on Who Was Jesus